What is more accurate: a table or a ruler?

And still, we think the table is of the wrong size.

How many times do we find our values appreciated or depreciated by someone? Sometimes during a simple presentation or sometimes during a job interview.

If you’re a software developer candidate, how do you know the interviewer knows more than you do? Or knows better than you do? If your answer is the ‘number of years of experience’, you’re set for grave disappointment. There are so-called experts in the market with decades of experience with no real value to provide. Zero value.

On a regular basis, I converse with recruiters and freshers. If only freshers understood that their interviewers are as good as their deadlines, they could show up in a world with more confidence.

At the hiring end, acknowledging the fact that there is no certainty that the ruler is as accurate as of the table’s measurement, provides an opportunity to conduct a fair and comprehensive assessment of a candidate at your door.

So, the next time someone provides you with a compliment or a criticism, don’t forget that no rulers are equal. Nor accurate.

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