“It has always been like this”

Well, it might have. But the fact is, it has been like that since the time I have been around. I can’t say the same for the people who have been in my place before me. When we place too much reliability on our experience alone, we give rise to a disconnect. A disconnect between what could have been possible and what has been achieved.

That is one of the reasons, when new recruits hear “this is how we have always done”, the space for imagination is unintentionally limited. A boundary is drawn.

Every society and organization suffers from this worldview. Of course, not everything needs to be changed, but the real suffering is the drowning of opportunities of exploration for things and ideas that could change the world. If not the world, at least customer experience for a small organization, an ad campaign, or just the quality of food at a roadside restaurant.

With all said and done, we have to cultivate the understanding that not all things need to be changed. In fact, the first rule of user experience is not to surprise the user. Not at once, from all fronts.

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