Buying air

I came across the term ‘useful education’.

So does useless education exist in the world?

Not exactly, but there is a range. Range of intangibles on offer.

Useful education lives on the sidelines. It is not glamorous. You cannot grab it or seek it. It is invisible. Intangible.

Useful education provides exposure to local society, culture and values that are desirable. It is worth investing time and money into. More often than not, such kind of education isn’t hyped and hence, not pricey.

While not-so-useful education requires high time and monetary investment without providing useful intangibles. Their main value proposition is not intangibles, they sell skills.

A new hyped school in the neighbourhood might be offering robotics, programming and music classes. But we need to find out what intangibles are on offer?

Healthy competition or winning at all costs?

Bullying or empathy?

Pride or humility?

Educational investment is more like buying air. It is invisible. Breathe polluted air for a long enough time and the lungs will suffer irreversible damage. We need to subject the air to different tests before buying.

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