Dashboard managers

Have you noticed there is a birth of a whole new job role?

It is called Dashboard Managers.

The old school managers used to know what they’re talking about. With whom they’re dealing. All with little help from dashboards.

But this new variety is different.

And what do they do?

Stare at the dashboards.

Sometimes, the dashboards dictate whom they should call.
Sometimes, they dictate whom they should shout at. or just plainly harass.

And all organizations appreciate this behaviour.


Because we believe in “data guided decisions”.

That’s a bunch of pure BS.

You know it.
I know it.
We know it.

I shared similar ideas about the tyranny of dashboards and how to get some relief. That was in Friday Letter today.

I shared such 5 mistakes to avoid in dashboard design.
Check them out → https://get.bhagyeshpathak.com/posts/5-mistakes-i-avoid-while-designing-my-dashboards

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