“So what?”

We need to ask that question every time we come across a new idea, a product pitch, or just about anything that is creating some sort of wave among our peers.

It is easy to take someone’s “so what?” as a sign of arrogance, but if we look deeper, they’re challenging our value proposition. They want us to cut to the point and get them on board. If we cannot, it is not a setback. If we have poured our best efforts, then, more often than not, it simply means that we’re not aligned and it is okay.

But when we’re not at the receiving end of the “so what?”, we have a responsibility for ourselves, our organization and our people to shoot the “so what?” as many times as possible. As sincerely as possible. Because it is an excellent noise filter. In today’s world of excess information, we need to filter what is relevant for us at a given point in time.

For example, do we really need to run a campaign using some recent Instagram trend? Or do we need to host a virtual event at some trending application endorsed by celebrities? Or do we need to replace our paper-based surveys with e-solutions? There are so many instances where “so what?” can save us enough time to keep progressing on the path that we have taken.

Apart from filtering the noise, this powerful question motivates the individual at the receiving end to do better. To think more deeply. To understand us and our context and come up with a second pitch.

It is possible to fear that our “so what?” attitude may keep us away from a possible future opportunity. This particular fear is empty because if we are shooting our “so what?” responsibly, with due homework, we will never miss out on what would have otherwise seemed like a lost opportunity.

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