The case of hit and run stars

Whenever there is a hit and run case, our blood boils. That is the right thing to feel. But I’m not talking about the hit and run drivers.

I’m talking about the hit and run stars. These are a special bunch of people. They’re celebrated to have started many projects, in some cases, many companies. More often than not, it is merely a number, not a company.

There is no doubt that society at large benefits from more risk-takers and ventures. But the problem arises when getting a label of serial-XYZ becomes the end, not a mean. In pursuit of this goal, individuals hit and run. No accountability for the casualty at their hands.

For any project that requires dedicated time and attention, it is a good idea to filter out hit and run fellows. They’re good starters, not finishers.

It is a compatibility issue, nothing more.

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