Wanted: A captain that goes down with the ship

And that’s a maritime tradition. What about the ships in the form of organizations? It is a huge risk to board a ship. Especially, without knowing the ship’s health, the crew’s culture or the ship’s direction.

And still, on a regular basis, new sailors, may I call freshers, are coerced to sign contracts to stay aboard.

While starting up, I remember my responses.

“How can I sign a contract for two years, if your first foot forward is that of a mistrust in your own culture?”

“So, you want me to begin this relationship with you getting all the upside. Interesting.”

Wouldn’t it be better if organizations focused on the factors under their control:

  • The Conscious decision of which type of personalities get hired
  • How much learning an individual gets
  • How valued an individual feels (No, not by distributing Dundies!)

Still, some newbies will leave.

They were, in any case, not destined to be your ship’s captain.

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