Which side of the table?

We make this choice every day, every moment.

In our daily conversations, which side of the table do we choose to sit?

I attended one webinar recently. The organizers expected to sell their products and services through the demonstration.

One thing that awkwardly stood out was the host’s usage of you and your. The host would respond to a pricing query in this manner: “If you want to opt for this feature, you will require a budget of around $500 per month.”

That you created an invisible line that separated them and us.

What does this cost to the seller, marketer? One client? Two? No. The number is larger. Everyone. Everyone that saw him/her draw a line.

Compare the alternative response: “If we want to think about opting for this feature, we will require a budget of approximately around $500 per month.”

The rule of thumb as a marketer, as a facilitator is to choose to sit on the same side of the table.

And as you might have already figured out, it does not limit only to marketing or business. It is a practice. A conscious practice exercised in our relationships and with ourselves. People want a human connection. Proximity. Sharing their fears. The possibility of being understood.

Let’s choose the more effective side of the table. Because if we’re going to show up, why not make it worthwhile?

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